Houses are made of materials collected from the jungle such as Poles, vines and leaves. Villages are made with surrounding gardens. There is a huge structure in the center with the central plaza and the most important house. To build this huge structure, called the "Shabono," there is tons of planning and preparation. Then many days of work. The "Shabono" lasts only two years, however, because the leaves start to decay, and the roof gets infested with spiders, roaches, and other insects to such an extent, that they have to burn down the entire structure. It looks like one huge house but in actuality it is several houses. The first step of building the Shabono is finding the right location. Then they did 4 main posts in the ground, digging holes prior with machetes sticks, and scooping with their hands. two smaller 5 foot tall poles are stuck in the back, and two taller, 10 foot ones in the front. The front and back poles stand between 8-10 feet apart from each other. horizontal cross poles then added diagonally, and after there are long saplings called "hanto nahi," which are laid diagonal to the cross poles. vines and roofing are then thatched to the building.the Shabonos are often surrounded by 10-foot high palisades if there is a nearby threat. they then lash them together with vines, and cover it with dry brush in the night, so that if there is so much as a slightest rustle, the dogs will awake, then the people.
when they go out on trips or move, they can create camps in about 30 minutes by making several simple, triangular flat-roofed huts. When it's sleep time, they string up their hammocks, and go to sleep with hopes that the roof won't leak, although they often do.
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