Welcome to leave it.!

If you are looking at this blog right now, than you just got awesomer. Leave it. is all about super cool primitive societies such as the Yanomamo. Yay? I think so.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

leave it.

Have you read Ishmael? If not, I suggest you do. Not only is it a really great book, but it would also clarify why a world history blog would be called, "Leave It." Basically, there are takers and leavers on today's world. as in the saying "take it or leave it." Takers are the westernized culture that took place in the agricultural and industrial revolution. The Leavers are the more hunter-gatherer type societies. the one's who live off the land and don't worry about tomorrow. And these are the people that I'm going to be focusing on.

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